A cleaner future starts with you.

Together, we can create a brighter future for all by choosing easy, impactful renewable energy solutions.



Small effort, big impact.

Empowering you to change the world, without changing the way you live.

    One easy step

    It only takes two minutes to sign up for clean energy, with no installation required and no change to your utility provider.

    The cleaner option

    CleanChoice Energy builds clean energy projects and supplies 100% renewable energy from regional wind and solar farms.

    Power your peace of mind

    You can sit back and enjoy the fact that you're greatly reducing your carbon footprint every day.

    Live the green life

    With our dedicated customer care team and growing climate solution offerings, we'll be here for you every step of the way.

Join us in the fight against climate change

We’re on a mission to make clean air and renewable energy available to all.

Together, we have prevented


lbs of carbon emissions

Frequently asked questions

See what others have to say about CleanChoice Energy

Thank you for providing this environmentally friendly power option and with minimal effort on the part of the consumer!


We like getting reports that show how much of a difference our household has made by using CleanChoice Energy.


Excellent customer service! So relieved to know that my electricity use is offset by clean renewable energy production. Thanks.


I thank you for allowing me to access clean energy. It makes me feel better that I am doing something to help our world.


Knowing I'm helping our world, just a little, by having clean energy makes me feel like I am helping to keep our planet cleaner.


It's a seamless and easy way to contribute to a clean energy future. Love it.


We’re more than a clean energy company.

We’re united by a vision for the future.

-Tom Matzzie, CEO and Founder

Our vision is a world free of catastrophic climate change with pure, clean air and abundant renewable energy. We're committed to creating a better environment for future generations, and we’re committed to caring for our customers, our people, and the planet.

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