Clean electricity for a cleaner world

Choose 100% renewable wind and solar energy for your home today—in just 2 minutes.

CleanChoice Solar Project


You have the power to choose the cleaner option

Right now, the electricity that comes to your home likely includes fossil fuels, which pollute our environment. But by choosing 100% wind and solar energy, you can help improve the air we breathe and the world we share.

Typical Energy Mix1
4% Clean
Natural Gas
41 %
33 %
16 %
4 %
4 %
2 %
CleanChoice Energy
100% Clean
100 %
0 %
Natural Gas
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %

CleanChoice Energy both builds clean energy projects and supplies 100% renewable energy. When you choose us as your electricity supplier, we'll ensure all the energy you use is replenished on the grid with 100% renewable energy from wind and solar farms in your region.

Your utility company stays the same. They will still maintain your lines and provide your bill. No service calls, equipment, or installation are needed—you'll simply see a line on your electric bill that says your “Supplier” is CleanChoice Energy.

Simple, right?

Change the world without changing your life

By switching to clean energy, you can make a positive impact on the planet—every time you flip on your light switch.

    The easy, clean option

    If you rent or own your home, or if your roof isn’t suitable for solar panels, you can still enjoy the benefits of renewable energy.

    Zero commitments

    With no upfront costs, sign up fees, or cancellation penalties, it’s easy to choose clean energy.

    Small effort, big impact

    You can sit back and enjoy the fact that you’re greatly reducing your carbon footprint every day—without having to change your daily routine.

    A feel-good choice

    You'll receive regular clean energy statements showing your impact, and monthly rewards as a 'thank you' for supporting clean energy.

Frequently asked questions

See what others have to say about CleanChoice Energy

Thank you for providing this environmentally friendly power option and with minimal effort on the part of the consumer!


We like getting reports that show how much of a difference our household has made by using CleanChoice Energy.


Excellent customer service! So relieved to know that my electricity use is offset by clean renewable energy production. Thanks.


I thank you for allowing me to access clean energy. It makes me feel better that I am doing something to help our world.


Knowing I'm helping our world, just a little, by having clean energy makes me feel like I am helping to keep our planet cleaner.


It's a seamless and easy way to contribute to a clean energy future. Love it.


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1 Typical default utility energy mix for customers in states eligible for CleanChoice Energy clean electricity service. Aggregate default utility for: DE, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NY, OH, PA, Washington DC. Not all customers in these areas are eligible. Source: CleanChoice Energy has high standards for defining "clean" energy. While nuclear and hydro do not emit greenhouse gasses, generation from these sources have other negative environmental consequences.

2 Based on EPA greenhouse gas equivalencies.