CleanChoice Denounces Violence Against the AAPI Community

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  • Mar 17, 2021

Hate speech and acts of violence against the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community have been on the rise. As an organization that promotes environmental and racial justice, we stand with the Asian American and Pacific Islander community in denouncing these violent and racist acts. The hate must stop. 

As a mission-driven company, we are committed to creating an inclusive, equitable, and just world. Our vision is a world free of catastrophic climate change with pure, clean air and abundant renewable energy for all. At its core, a sustainable future can only be achieved through confronting racism and white supremacy. We cannot have environmental justice without racial justice. This includes racial justice for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. 

As a company, we have committed ourselves to working towards becoming an actively anti-racist organization through our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion board, our required mandatory Unconscious Bias training for all employees, thorough reviews of our hiring practices to ensure equity at all steps, and through financial support of a number of organizations working towards environmental and racial justice in our communities.

We grieve with all those affected by the violence and hatred against AAPI communities, and we’ll continue to fight for a world free of hate, with environmental and racial justice for all.