CleanChoice Energy Nominated for 2018 Leadership and Integrity Award
Aug 26, 2019
WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 26, 2019 — CleanChoice Energy, a renewable energy company that empowers people and businesses to cut emissions and live cleaner, healthier lives, has been nominated for the Energy Marketing Conferences “2018 Leadership and Integrity Award.” The nominees represent retail energy companies who have exemplified strong leadership qualities, the highest level of ethics, and a benefit to their customers, community, and the environment. “CleanChoice believes in being a responsible corporate citizen; we hold ourselves to the highest level of ethics and strive to make a positive social impact,” said Tom Matzzie, Founder and CEO of CleanChoice Energy. “CleanChoice makes it easy for people to switch to 100%, pollution-free solar and wind energy—advancing a vision of a healthier, cleaner world.”
CleanChoice customers have avoided more than 4 billion pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, while the company has donated over $2 million through strategic partnerships with 50+ leading non-profit and social impact organizations. Current partners include Defenders of Wildlife, The Wilderness Society, and the Arbor Day Foundation, among others.
The winner of the award will be announced at the upcoming Energy Marketing Conference in September in New York City. The Energy Marketing Conference is the largest gathering of retail energy professionals in North America and it expects to host 700 attendees.