Protecting Our National Parks from Climate Change

sunset over forest
  • Apr 16, 2019

National Parks are National Treasures—and Some of Them are Probably Near You 

The National Park System has famously been called America’s Best Idea, our crown jewels. The National Park System encompasses more than 52 million acres of national parks, historical sites, scenic riverways, national memorials, and national monuments and welcomes more than 330 million visitors each year.

When you think of our National Parks, many people think of the big majestic parks like Yosemite or Yellowstone. But there are more than 2,000 national parks across the country with forests, grasslands, wetlands, waterways, and historical areas just as precious, and there’s a good chance you won’t have to travel far to find one of these national treasures to enjoy. 

DelawareIllinoisMarylandMassachusettsMinnesotaNew JerseyNew YorkOhio, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C. all have their own national parks. Collectively, they boast national seashores, scenic rivers, rugged landscapes, and historic monuments. 

Whether it is the waters of the Chesapeake, the wild coast of Acadia, the lakes and forests of the Boundary Waters, the wild island of Assateague, the rolling mountains of the Shenandoah or the Great Smoky Mountains, or another local treasure entirely, the United States east of the Mississippi doesn’t lack for grandeur. 

Climate Change is Challenging the Parks Every Day 

Climate change threatens National Parks, just as it threatens the rest of the world’s habitats. Rising sea levels, melting glaciers, shifting species paths, and disrupted ecosystems are all consequences of climate change that the National Parks face. 

A recent study found that National Parks are even more at risk than other parts of the country—and are even more important to protect. While worth protecting in their own right, the parks are also watersheds that replenish drinking water, and their trees absorb carbon. 

As climate change disrupts ecosystems worldwide, sanctuaries like National Parks are also becoming havens for animal and plant species that need protection. 

The people who work for National Parks are working hard to combat climate change in many ways. They’re improving the energy efficiency of the parks’ infrastructures, as well as relying more on renewable energy like wind and solar. 

You can support and enjoy our nation’s National Parks by switching your home electricity supply to renewable energy with CleanChoice today. We supply electricity sourced from wind and solar farms that are located in the regions where our customers live. 

In celebration of Earth Month, if you sign up for 100% clean, pollution-free energy, we'll send you a free National Parks pass when you start service. Explore the great outdoors while contributing to cleaner planet!

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