Renewable Energy for BGE Customers [2024 Guide]

Wind turbines on a wind farm
  • Aug 1, 2024

As the climate crisis accelerates and governments worldwide are starting to take drastic measures to curb emissions, renewable energy has leapt from a lofty ideal to an urgent necessity. Maryland residents served by Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) are better positioned than ever before to go green—thanks in large part to CleanChoice Energy’s simple, efficient pathway to 100% renewable energy. Let’s explore how BGE customers can adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.

The Benefits of Going Renewable in Maryland

Maryland has made a steadfast commitment to renewable energy, aiming to achieve 50% renewable energy consumption by 2030. For Marylanders, the switch to renewables isn't simply a global or even national statement—it's a personal investment replete with both immediate and long-term benefits. By making this energy choice, people are part of a hands-on approach to lessen the state's ecological impact, with benefits that range from cleaning up the air in local communities to contributing to worldwide efforts to halt climate change. Those living in urban settings like Baltimore stand to notice improved air quality, which has a domino effect on health and well-being.

Additionally, as the state's renewable energy industry blossoms, it brings with it a cascade of job opportunities in emerging fields like solar power technology and wind energy solutions, making the transition to renewable energy desirable from an economic standpoint as well.

Sun rising over a community solar farm in Maryland

BGE's Renewable Energy Offerings

Solar Energy in Maryland

In Maryland, the shift towards solar energy is palpable, particularly in regions like Montgomery County and Prince George's County, where a surge in residential solar installations is evident. Even with its temperate climate, Maryland benefits from sufficient sunlight to make solar power generation an effective solution. To bolster this trend, the state has launched solar incentives such as the Maryland Energy Administration's (MEA) Solar Grants, which cater to low and moderate-income households. As electricity prices trend upwards, these state-backed incentives, coupled with potential savings on energy bills, have positioned solar as an attractive and practical choice for many Marylanders.

Wind and Other Renewable Sources in Maryland

Wind energy is seeing growth in Maryland, especially with projects like the proposed US Wind's offshore wind farm near Ocean City. Maryland's coastal areas provide an opportunity for this kind of energy generation. In addition to wind, there's a rising interest in small-scale hydropower, particularly in areas near major river systems like the Susquehanna and Potomac. These efforts support Maryland's goal to increase its renewable energy sources by 2030.

How BGE Customers Can Transition to Renewable Energy

Embracing renewable energy in Maryland has become an attainable goal for many residents. With the increasing availability and efficiency of solar power solutions, residents can benefit even if they lack the space or means for personal installations. By switching to an electricity supplier that offers a cleaner energy mix made up of renewable sources like wind and solar, Maryland residents in the BGE territory can support the transition to renewable energy, without having to install their own solar panels. 

A daughter sits on her father's shoulders looking out over a wind farm

Why BGE Customers Should Go Renewable Through CleanChoice Energy

If you're a BGE customer, making the right decision about your energy source is pivotal for a smooth and effective transition to renewable energy. CleanChoice Energy, backed by its Better Business Bureau A+ rating and Gold Certified Business status, offers an easy solution for Maryland residents who want to choose clean energy but aren’t able to install solar at their home. There are many reasons BGE customers should consider choosing CleanChoice Energy as their electricity supplier:

1. Support Local Renewable Projects

Choosing CleanChoice Energy means you're not just reducing your carbon footprint; you're also contributing to the growth of renewable projects in your region. This demand for clean energy aids in the further development of the sector and helps the state achieve its ambitious renewable energy objectives.

2. Seamless Integration with BGE

Switching to CleanChoice Energy doesn’t sever your relationship with BGE. Instead, CleanChoice becomes the supplier of your 100% renewable energy, while you continue with your pre-existing utility. It's a win-win situation: you get sustainable energy without sacrificing reliability.

3. No Upfront Costs or Installation

Transitioning to CleanChoice Energy is designed to be hassle-free, with no upfront costs or complicated installation procedures. This ease of transition makes the switch to renewable energy accessible for any BGE customer who wants to make the change.

4. Flexibility and Convenience

One of the standout features of CleanChoice Energy is the level of flexibility offered. Life is unpredictable, and should your circumstances change, CleanChoice allows you to opt out at any time without facing any cancellation fees. This flexibility ensures that you can always adapt your energy solutions to meet your changing needs.

5. Quick and Easy Signup

Interested in taking the next step towards a renewable future? CleanChoice Energy has made the signup process straightforward. Simply enter your zip code on their website, and within minutes, you can be well on your way to reducing your carbon footprint and living a more sustainable life.

By opting for renewable energy, BGE customers have a golden opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable Maryland and, by extension, a healthier planet. Partnering with CleanChoice Energy makes this transition smoother and more rewarding than ever. With the multitude of options and benefits laid out in this guide, there’s no better time to make the switch. Get started on your journey to a more sustainable lifestyle today.

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