Renewable Energy in Massachusetts [2024 Guide]

Wind turbines in a wind farm producing clean, renewable energy in Massachusetts
  • May 1, 2024

Renewable energy in Massachusetts has rapidly become an attractive option for both homeowners and businesses alike. Given the state's dense population and therefore its energy demand, Massachusetts has become one of the United States' renewable energy leaders. The Bay State is making huge strides in renewable energy development, from solar to wind and other sources.

In this guide, we’ll explore the different renewable energy options available to residents in Massachusetts and discuss how renewable energy can help reduce emissions.

What is Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy refers to the generation of power from natural, sustainable, and replenishable sources such as solar or wind. Unlike fossil fuels, these sources do not deplete or harm the environment—making them a cleaner, more eco-friendly alternative for electricity production.

In Massachusetts, renewable energy has experienced significant growth, with state-specific initiatives and incentives driving the expansion of solar and wind farms. The increasing adoption of clean, renewable energy in Massachusetts not only contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions but also stimulates job creation and economic development in the region.

Benefits of Renewable Energy in Massachusetts

The transition to renewable energy in Massachusetts brings numerous benefits to the state and its residents. Firstly, it helps to combat the harmful impacts of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This, in turn, leads to a cleaner and healthier environment, with reduced air pollution.

Renewable energy also increases energy security by reducing dependence on foreign energy sources, making the state's energy supply more resilient and sustainable. Additionally, the growth of the renewable energy sector has created new job opportunities in fields such as engineering, technology, and operations.

Investing in renewable energy is a win-win for Massachusetts, providing clean, sustainable energy that protects the environment and strengthening the state's economy through job creation and a more secure energy supply. With continued investment and growth, renewable energy has the potential to bring even greater benefits to the Bay State in the future.

Massachusetts Energy Mix: How Much Is Renewable?

The Bay State's energy mix is undergoing a transformation, with a growing proportion of electricity being generated from renewable sources. As of 2021, clean energy sources like wind and solar account for 9% of Massachusetts' net electricity generation, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). However, the state is poised for significant growth in renewable energy generation, thanks to its abundant wind and solar resources. Large wind and solar farms are already in operation, and with offshore wind sites located in close proximity, Massachusetts has the potential to significantly increase its clean energy production in the coming years.

Graphic comparing the typical energy mix in Massachusetts to the mix from CleanChoice Energy. The typical energy mix is 9% clean, while CleanChoice Energy offers 100% clean energy.

Solar Energy in Massachusetts

Massachusetts has set ambitious goals for increasing the use of clean energy, and solar energy is playing a key role in meeting these goals. As Massachusetts' largest renewable electricity source, solar can be found across the state on residential rooftops, in fields and parking lots, and on large-scale solar farms.

Massachusetts solar installers are available to help customers choose the right renewable energy system and install renewable energy equipment in homes and businesses. With a variety of financing options available, including solar loans and renewable energy tax credits, investing in clean energy has never been more accessible in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Renewable Energy Goals

With a commitment to reducing reliance on traditional sources of energy and a drive towards a cleaner, greener future, the Bay State has set some ambitious goals for clean energy. Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed a new climate bill into law on August 11, 2022. The new law enacts various measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transportation and energy sectors.

The bill provides funding for offshore wind energy and electricity grid improvements and increases offshore wind procurement to 5,600 MW. It also enables Massachusetts to join with other New England states when bidding for renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar. Additionally, the bill removes wood-burning power plants from the state’s renewable portfolio standard, doubles the number of kilowatts that homeowners can include under the residential net metering program, and creates new funds to support the development of clean power technologies.

In the transportation sector, the bill aims to reduce emissions by electrifying transportation and making electric vehicles more affordable. There will be an additional rebate for low-income buyers, and all new vehicle sales will be zero-emission by 2035.

This push towards renewable energy is a key component of the state's clean energy plan, known as the "Decarbonization Roadmap". This comprehensive plan sets a goal of producing 80% of Massachusetts' electricity from clean energy sources by 2050. It also has the ambitious target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% below 1990 levels over the same time frame.

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Sun rising over a community solar farm in Massachusetts

Average Electric Bill in Massachusetts

As of April 2024, Massachusetts residents typically pay an average monthly electric bill of $281, which may vary depending on their individual energy consumption. On average, Massachusetts residents pay $0.33 per kilowatt-hour (kWh). This monthly cost can be lowered through energy-saving techniques such as turning off lights and appliances when not in use, and by taking advantage of the various energy rebates and incentives offered in Massachusetts. 

Massachusetts Renewable Energy Incentives

The state of Massachusetts is dedicated to promoting a cleaner energy future and has implemented a variety of programs and incentives to encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources. The Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program is one such initiative, providing financial support for the installation of solar energy systems.

Furthermore, the state also offers incentives for wind power, hydroelectric power, and geothermal power systems, and even provides tax credits and rebates for energy efficiency upgrades. These efforts aim to make renewable energy investments more accessible and affordable for both residents and businesses, ultimately reducing reliance on traditional energy sources and creating a greener future for the state.

You can see a full list of the state's energy rebates and incentives here.

Renewable Energy in Boston

Boston is also making strides in renewable energy adoption, setting a goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. The city has made numerous investments in renewable energy solutions, including solar power and other renewable sources.

How CleanChoice Energy Can Help You Switch To Renewable Energy

CleanChoice Energy is a renewable energy supplier offering services to customers in Massachusetts. By choosing CleanChoice Energy as their electricity supplier, Eversource and National Grid customers in Massachusetts can play a role in reducing the state's dependence on traditional, non-renewable energy sources. CleanChoice Energy is dedicated to making the switch to clean, pollution-free energy easy and accessible for customers in Massachusetts.

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¹Typical default utility energy mix for customers in MA. Source:, 2021 "Electric power industry generation by primary energy source." CleanChoice Energy has high standards for defining "clean" energy. While nuclear and hydro do not emit greenhouse gasses, generation from these sources have other negative environmental consequences.