16 Outdoor Activities Great for Social Distancing

Mar 19, 2020
Many of us will be “social distancing” in our homes for the foreseeable future. But there are many activities you can do outside and in nature while still maintaining the recommended 6-foot distance between other people. Here are some ideas to help you get outside while social distancing:
1. Go for a hike on a local trail.
2. Ride a bike, whether it’s on a biking path or just around the block.
3. Go for a walk or run around the neighborhood. Wave hi to everyone you see to spread some cheer!
4. Have a picnic to soak up the sun and enjoy a nice al fresco meal.
5. Clean up a nearby park. You’ll feel great after getting some fresh air and helping the planet!
6. Walk on the beach if you live near one.
7. Draw with sidewalk chalk. Play hopscotch, doodle, write a message to people who walk by…the possibilities are endless!
8. Spend time in your garden. Take care of your plants or plant new ones if you can!
9. Do outdoor yoga to relax in the fresh air.
10. Go bird watching. Grab a pair of binoculars and see what you can spot!
11. Have an outdoor scavenger hunt. Find one online or create your own!
12. Play outdoor sports on your own or with your family. Kick around a soccer ball, shoot some hoops, toss a frisbee, or even play cornhole!
13. Take photos of nature—flowers, trees, clouds, wildlife…anything!
14. Go fishing. Catch and release to be eco-friendly!
15. Watch the sunrise or sunset.
16. Look at the stars at night. See how many constellations you can spot!
As long as you maintain 6 feet between other people and follow the CDC guidelines, all of these activities are great for social distancing—and the planet. If you want to help the planet even more, learn more about renewable energy and make the switch today!
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