Replenish Our Forests in Honor of Earth Day

Apr 18, 2019
Did you know that forests are the lungs of our planet? Their leaves, wood, bark, roots, and even the soil of a forest capture carbon dioxide, a polluting greenhouse gas. Trees are able to store the harmful gas and create the oxygen that we all breathe.
Planting and saving trees are powerful ways to combat climate change. And, now we make it easy for you to help replenish our forests, in honor of Earth Day.
You Can Protect Forests in Appalachia with CleanChoice Carbon Offsets
We’re excited to offer a new Earth Day forest protection program that allows you to support the protection and sustainable care of U.S. forests in Appalachia West Virginia by purchasing carbon offsets. Unfortunately, coal mining and logging have destroyed over 1.4 million acres and altered approximately 83 percent of the habitat in this ecoregion. But, research shows that forests offer the best strategy for pulling carbon out of the air.
When you buy carbon offsets, you fund projects that reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, which is critical to avoiding the negative effects of climate change.
Here’s how it works…
How to Support the Care of Forests in Honor of Earth Day
With each $25 purchase of CleanChoice “Replenish our Forests” carbon offsets, you support one acre of forests in Appalachia. $25 offsets 1 ton of carbon pollution!*
Where in Appalachia will your support fund? We’re proud to support the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in their efforts to maintain and renew as many acres as possible. The forests in Appalachia are home to more than 158 tree species, ranking it among the highest ecoregions in North America for total floral diversity. In conjunction with the Appalachian Mixed Mesophytic Forests, this ecoregion contains the highest total amount of endemic flora and fauna species in North America. So, you’ll not only be helping the forests, you’ll also ensure the habitats of animals and plants that live there.
Giving back to our forests this Earth Day is simple. Simply select the number of acres you want to support—you can choose offsets that support one, two, or three acres of forest. Once complete, you’ll receive an email from CleanChoice Energy with a certificate and your receipt.
CleanChoice Energy is a renewable energy company that supplies clean, green electricity sourced from wind and solar power farms located as close as possible to where our customers live. Learn how to switch your home or business to 100% pollution-free clean energy today!
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*We calculate carbon pollution and forest impact using the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalency