What Is CleanChoice Energy?

CleanChoice Energy supplies 100% renewable energy from wind and solar.
  • Jul 27, 2020

CleanChoice Energy is a supplier of 100% clean and renewable energy for homes and businesses. We offer clean electricity to residential and commercial customers who want a simple way to reduce their carbon footprint.

Our Mission 

At CleanChoice Energy, we envision a world free of catastrophic climate change with pure, clean air for all. Our mission is to switch as many American homes and businesses to clean, renewable energy as possible and make renewable energy accessible for everybody. We want to reduce the impact of global climate change so we can all live cleaner, healthier lives.

How We Bring You Clean Energy

For residents in Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C., we offer 100% clean electricity from wind and solar sources.

Right now, the power that comes to your home is likely from a mix of mostly non-renewable sources like coal, oil, and natural gas from fracking, which pollute our environment and contribute to climate change. When you choose CleanChoice Energy as your energy supplier, we make sure every kilowatt hour of power you use is replenished on the grid with 100% wind and solar from your region, instead of polluting power sources.

When you sign up, we work with your utility directly to make sure all the energy you use is supplied by clean energy sources. Your utility will still maintain your lines and provide your bill. No service calls, equipment, or installation are needed—you'll simply see a line on your utility bill that says your "Supplier" is CleanChoice Energy. 

With CleanChoice Energy, you can sit back and enjoy the fact that you're greatly reducing your carbon footprint and environmental impact on our planet everyday, without a change to your daily routine, a long term commitment, or a home installation.

If you don’t live in any of these states, don’t worry—you can still reduce your carbon footprint through CleanChoice Energy! With our Clean Energy Option, you can offset the energy usage of the average American home* with clean, pollution-free energy, helping you and your neighbors breathe easier.

The CleanChoice Difference

CleanChoice Energy is a unique energy supplier in several important ways:

  • We sell only 100% clean energy from renewable sources like wind and solar.

  • We don’t have any blended products, and we don’t contribute to any fossil fuel or nuclear energy production.

  • We source our energy in the regions we serve.

Our Impact

On average, supplying your home with clean energy means preventing more than 18,000 pounds of carbon pollution every year. That’s more than not using your car for an entire year! Since our founding in 2012, our customers have used 3,847,726,392 kWh of 100% clean, renewable energy. That’s equivalent to:

  • 44,983,985 trees planted; or

  • 2,997,613,880 lbs of coal not burned; or

  • 587,746 cars taken off the road!

How to Sign Up

To see what clean electricity plans are available in your area or to learn more, visit our website at cleanchoiceenergy.com. You can also call 1-800-460-4900 to sign up or get a quote.

Choose 100% clean, renewable energy today and help us ensure a better environment for future generations!

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*When you sign up for Clean Energy Option, we will purchase and retire renewable energy certificates based on the average energy usage of an American home, which is 897 kWh per month. See Terms & Conditions for additional details.