Sustainable Self-Care That's Good for You and the Planet

Woman journaling and drinking coffee
  • Apr 10, 2020

Here are 20 ways you can nourish your mind, body, and spirit with little impact on the planet:

1. Go for a walk, run, hike, or bike ride to get some fresh air and enjoy nature.

2. Do a mud mask or clay mask, rather than using wasteful single-use sheet masks.

3. Listen to music that makes you feel good. Check out our Clean Energy Vibes or Celebrate Earth Spotify playlists!

4. Make a smoothie using fresh, local produce.

5. Make a cup of tea that’s fair-trade, organic, or plastic-free.

6. Read a book. Pick one you’ve never read or dust off your old favorite.

7. Color. Coloring has several health benefits for both children and adults. Find an ‘adult coloring book’ and unwind with this childhood pastime! 

8. Light an eco-friendly candle, made from materials such as beeswax or soy wax.

9. Unplug. Take a break from screens for an hour or two.

10. Dance or sing in your home to release tension! 

11. Cook or bake your favorite foods. Cooking with local ingredients and without meat or dairy will make your treats more eco-friendly.

12. Keep a journal. Journaling can have numerous benefits on your life and your health!

13. Write down a list of your favorite things in nature, such as your favorite animals or flowers, your favorite outdoor places, or your favorite activities or memories in nature.

14. Clean your home. Cleaning can be very therapeutic! You’ll also feel better having a clean home.

15. Go through your clothes and make a donation pile. Many of us have at least a few things we never wear anymore, so trim down your closet and give clothes to people who need them more.

16. Spend time in your garden. Take care of your plants or plant new ones if you can!

17. Add indoor plants to your home. Succulents are a great low-maintenance way to bring life into your home!

18. Do yoga. Outdoor yoga is a great way to unwind in the fresh air!

19. Watch the sunrise or sunset. 

20. Look at the stars at night. See how many constellations you can spot!

Looking for another simple way to feel good and reduce your impact on the environment? Switch to 100% clean, renewable energy today and help give our planet a better tomorrow!

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