How to Kick Off 2021 With Veganuary—And Why You Should

Jan 1, 2021
Looking for a New Year’s Resolution that’s good for you and the planet? Start the new year off right by reducing your impact on the environment with Veganuary.
What is Veganuary?
Veganuary is a movement to inspire and support people to kick off each new year by eating plant-based for the month of January. Since 2014, more than one million people in 192 different countries have participated in Veganuary—including Alec Baldwin and Paul McCartney!
Why you should eat plant-based
Eating a plant-based diet can have significant positive impacts on the environment. Scientists have found that avoiding meat and dairy products is the “single biggest way” to reduce your environmental impact—“far bigger” than taking fewer flights or buying an electric car. In fact, a person who eats plant-based foods produces 50% less carbon dioxide, uses 13x less water, and uses 18x less land than meat-eaters. That saves 1,100 gallons of water, 30 square feet of forested land, and 20 pounds of CO2 equivalent every day! Learn more about the benefits of plant-based eating in this blog post.
How to get started eating plant-based this Veganuary
Eating a plant-based diet is probably easier than you think. Much of the food you have in your fridge and your pantry is probably already plant-based—rice, pasta, oatmeal, bread, peanut butter, jelly, chickpeas, beans, tomato sauce, and even Oreos are all naturally plant-based.
You can build your plant-based meals around the healthy staples of grains, greens, beans, nuts, fruits, and vegetables, or try making plant-based versions of your favorite dishes—there is now a vegan alternative for almost every animal-derived ingredient and product, so you can find simple plant-based swaps for meats, cheese, milk, butter, and even eggs.
Plant-based recipes to try this Veganuary
There are so many delicious plant-based recipes available online that can help make your Veganuary transition feel seamless. Here are some guides to help you get started:
28 Cozy Plant-Based Recipes for Winter. Check out this CleanChoice Energy blog post for some delicious soups, pastas, curries, and dips to try throughout Veganuary!
31-Day Veganuary Dinner Plan for Beginners. These 31 dinner recipes from Eating Well can help make Veganuary easier—and tastier!
27 Vegan Recipes For Beginners That Are Really Easy. You’ll love these simple yet creative plant-based recipes from BuzzFeed.
You can also find hundreds of great recipes on the official Veganuary website. Browse hundreds of recipes by type of meal, dietary restrictions, or even nationality!
More resources to help you get started
Eating a plant-based diet might seem like a daunting challenge. But luckily, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started and guide you along the way. Start by signing up for Veganuary emails to get recipes, tips, helpful information in your inbox every day in January! You can also check out Forks Over Knives for recipes and other helpful resources.
Looking for more ways you can reduce your impact on the environment? Check out these eco-friendly New Year’s Resolutions, or sign up for 100% clean, renewable energy today!
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