Take the Pledge to Celebrate Earth Day Every Day

Panorama of a field with flowers and mountains
  • Apr 1, 2020

Earth Day is special every year. It is a day to show appreciation for our planet and focus more on how we can help protect it.

But this year, Earth Day is even more special, as we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the very first Earth Day.

As we celebrate Earth Day 50 from home, we invite you to take the pledge and commit to celebrate Earth Day not just on April 22, but on every day of the year.

Whether it’s by choosing eco-friendly products, reducing your emissions, eating less meat, composting, or talking about climate change with your loved ones, there are countless ways you can celebrate Earth Day and live out its mission each and every day—even from inside your own home.

At CleanChoice Energy, we celebrate Earth Day every day by helping as many people as possible switch to clean, pollution-free energy. 

Since our founding in 2012, our customers have had the same environmental impact as planting more than 42 million trees or taking more than 557,000 cars off the road. Our customers celebrate Earth Day every day simply by choosing clean energy. 

Imagine the impact we can create together by all choosing to celebrate Earth Day every day—helping to reverse climate change and protect our planet, simply by living out each day as if it was April 22. 

By taking the pledge, you are making the commitment to take action every day. If we all commit to living every day as if it’s Earth Day, together we can expand our collective impact and help save our planet. 

Join us today and take the pledge:

I pledge to celebrate Earth Day every day. 

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